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Climate change and environment education centre (Living Lab) in Dropie
The “Climate change and environment education centre (Living Lab) in Dropie” is operated by the Slovak Environment Agency.
The PDP has the ambition to create a complex educational centre that shall ensure the acquisition of relevant knowledge and skills needed to promote and implement climate mitigation and adaptation measures and community outreach in action. One of the most important missions of Dropie shall be filling the gap of providing the relevant, digestible information, knowledge and skills to negotiate, plan and implement necessary mitigation and adaptation measures for relevant stakeholders on municipal level.
The area of Dropie has a potential for the establishment of an indoor and outdoor Living Lab with practical demonstrations of mitigation and adaptation measures. The PDP composes of the establishment of an indoor and outdoor Living Lab with practical demonstrations of mitigation and adaptation measures, as well as educational programmes to be developed and presented to schools, universities, research, local authorities and wide public. The outdoor measures shall be a mix of new and traditional measures, focusing on climate-smart landscaping practices, awareness raising activities and technologies, including, but not limited to, soil and water conservation and management activities, rainwater harvesting and reuse, green fences and hedgerows, restoration of the pond, establishment of active bog garden filtration, rain gardens, composters etc. PV panels, energy efficient water pump, PV back up for a water pump, charging station for e-cars and e-bikes as well as information explaining theory behind and benefits related to use of geothermal energy including showcase of technologies will be a part of the outdoor demonstration. The Living lab in Dropie shall be revitalized possibly in a passive house standard with the use of innovative solutions related to the history of climate change. Interactive, high-quality and audience-friendly educational programmes shall be elaborated in cooperation with the Norwegian project partner – the Norwegian Bjerknes Centre for Climate Research. The PDP in its complexity shall equip the target groups with relevant knowledge and practical skills necessary to implement climate mitigation and adaptation measures specific to their own surroundings. In case of local authorities and stakeholders, they will be able to advocate and replicate the measures experienced in Dropie.

The Climate change and environment education centre (Living Lab) in Dropie benefits from a € 1 200 000 grant from Iceland, Liechtenstein and Norway through the EEA Grants and Norway Grants.
The project has been co-financed from the State Budget of the Slovak Republic in the amount of 180 000 €.
The aim of the project is to create a complex educational centre that shall ensure the acquisition of relevant knowledge and skills needed to promote and implement climate mitigation and adaptation measures and community outreach in action. One of the most important missions of LivingLab shall be filling the gap of providing the relevant, digestible information, knowledge and skills to negotiate, plan and implement necessary mitigation and adaptation measures for relevant stakeholders on municipal level.
If you want to know more about programmes and projects financed by the EEA and Norway Grants in Slovakia, visit www.eeagrants.sk or www.norwaygrants.sk.